Who We Are


To build a publishing organization that meaningfully contributes towards an engaged, equitable, and creative Oklahoma City food and drink community.


To illuminate and support elements of Oklahoma City’s diverse food, drink, and agriculture community through high quality and thoughtful creative non-fiction & fiction writing, impactful visuals, and meaningful events.


Build readers’ empathy towards the unique people and businesses in our food and drink community through writing that includes both rich, intimate descriptions and context building global detail, visual art (photography and illustration) that highlights humanity and creativity, and opportunities for in-person engagement between readers, food and drink enthusiasts, and industry professionals.

Core Values and Beliefs

  1. Access to nutrient rich, culturally appropriate, joyful food and drink is a human right.

  2. Building an engaged, professional food and drink community is a key element in Oklahoma City’s ability to grow.

  3. Stewardship of our environment, foodways, and resources is a personal and communal responsibility. 

  4. Knowledge of our food systems and the personal and communal role of food creates opportunity for meaningful action.

  5. Thoughtful storytelling, which requires professional and compensated story tellers, changes beliefs and how we engage with others. 

Edible OKC is published six times a year and is part of Edible Communities, an award-winning network of more than 90 regional print food publications across the US and Canada, supported by editorially and visually rich print and digital media.

Central Oklahoma is home to farmers invested in sustainability, chefs who are reinventing the culinary landscape, and new small businesses who are committed to community and a vibrant and thriving local culture.

By celebrating all our neighbors have to offer, edibleOKC has become the quintessential media resource for a rapidly growing community of locavores.



